I want to say this: I have THE BEST readers. You all mean so very much to me. Thank you for coming here so often to look at my photography and read my short texts, I do hope they inspire you like you inspire me!
I’m happily amazed every week to see that you write about me, stick up for me or email me just to talk, or to tell me something. You all make me believe in myself, and in my ability to create good things.
Today I want especially to thank Sahakiel for naming me Redhead of the Week (love the idea for this blog!) and sweet Felicia for including me in her entry on hair.
Without all of you, this blog would be quite boring. :)
All my love,
sötis! fin bild!
Bloggen din er så koselig at man kan ikke la være å titte innom innimellom:)
Bloggen din er så koselig at man kan ikke la være å titte innom innimellom:)
Thanks to you for being so great, dear <3!
Both your blog and your photography are lovely and incredibly inspiring. In fact, hopefully I won't sound like too much of a nerd, but I look forward to reading it daily. It's a highlight for me. And as far as anonymous web haters go - well they're incredibly cowardly and matter about as much as a pebble in one's shoe. Like water on a duck's back, let it flow off and please please keep posting! Much happiness from Texas!
I am inspired :) your blog is beautiful
Thanks you for such a beautiful blog xoxo
p.s. that skirt is so pretty!
Without your blog, the internet would be quite boring!
Thank you everyone, you're all so great!!!
Elise - I very seldom come across these angry anonymous people, but when I do, I choose to ignore them because I feel like my attention will just spur them on. At the same time I'm so grateful for those of you who, like you did, stand up for me becuase you like what I do. It means so much to me. Thank you.
Carissa - Yay! That means I'm doing things the right way!
Lavelle - Oh, darlin', that is the nicest comment I've ever received. ♥♥♥
Men vad roligt! Det förklarar min något ökade statistikkurva senaste dagarna. Du ska verkligen ta åt dig av allt fint du får höra, du förtjänar varje ord. Jag blir alltid himla glad när jag ser att du uppdaterat. Din blogg, dina bilder och du är så fina så det spelar nästan ingen roll vilket inlägg det är du postat, allt är lika ljuvligt att se! Du inpirerar oss och får i alla fall mig att tro mer på mig själv och saker jag tycker! Inte många bloggar som kan skryta med det, tycker jag.
Puss och kram på dig!
Felicia - Jag hoppas fler fastnar för din fina blogg, det är den värd! Tack för allt det fina du skriver, jag blir faktiskt tårögd. Om jag bara får inspirera er lite grann, kanske göra en dag lite ljusare eller ett hjärta lite lättare, då är jag (mer än) glad. Tack! Puss!
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