Hey y'all, happy Midsummer! Sorry about awfully bad bloging this week, I've been so busy with the apartments and the move and all, thus the boring posts. But! Today it's Midsummer's Eve and Kristofer and I are gonna celebrate (the move, that we got the new apartment, but also that we are very, very much in love). I'm gonna show you all tomorrow, because I will be documenting our day for you guys (I hope you're fairly interested, ha ha). I've got my favorite Lolita-outfit on, and now we're taking the bus to one of our favorite spots in Stockholm, to have a champagne breakfast. Later, sweetums!
that's really pretty, I like your hair!
Oh, vilken fin blogg du har. Tycker om bilderna.
Fina bilder, fina färger. Var har du köpt din playsuit? Glad midsommar.
så fantastiske bilder du tar! Elsker bloggen din<3 en glede i hverdagen=) !
Wow. So adorable! I love the romper and the socks with the heels. Too adorable for words.
so gorgeous and congrats on new apartment. how did you do the hair, looks stunning! wow! x
Åh du är ju vacker som en dag!
amazing outfit, as always :)
Love that romper. The fabric, the cut, the ruffled pockets and the contrast trim!
sandra - thank you!
timotej - tack hjärtat. ;)
evelina - i new york, på second hand affären beacons closet. jag bloggade om det för någon vecka sen... :)
ingvild - hur fin är du? tack, du gör mig hemskt glad!
passport smiles - thank you, it's my favorite outfit.
lily - you're sweet, thank you! i wear this hairstyle when i don't have time/my hair is a mess, because it's very easy to do when you've had some practice. just make to plaits, starting from the back of your neck, and then twist them up on top of your head. place them where you want them and pin them down with bobby pins, the spray with loads of hairspray. easy peasy!
sofia - oj, tack! jag kände mig verkligen fin igår, och sånt syns direkt tror jag...
laysa - thanks darling!
britta - yep, it's my baby! i still can't believe i found it and that it was only 12 bucks! heaven...
Darling du är så galet vacker! Får jag tapetsera en vägg i nya lägenheten med foton av dig =)
Hehe, jo, du kan vl ta de underbara bilderna på Alicante? ;P Kom hem istället min vackraste finaste sötaste kaka!
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