Good things right now:
+ perfect green home made guacamole on veggie burgers.
+ hanging out with friends watching the taping of Kristofer's TV show.
+ long morning walks.
+ important, secret meetings.
+ planning Christmas at home, just he and I.
+ dreaming of New York.
+ the frost, covering the rooftops I see when I pull up my blinds in the morning.
+ tiny porcelain bambies (always).
What are your good things right now?
I love these pictures <3
I little, intimate Christmas sounds so nice right now. And between you and me, I'm also dreaming of New York...
Beautiful pix,as usual.
Good for me right now? We are in Spring,so baby ducks,and long,light evenings with wine and birds singing.Clear mornings cycling through Hagley Park in my fowery bike helmet,barbeques,gin & tonics......
I love your list of good things, it's such a wonderful exercise to remind oneself what is truly important. Thanks for making my day brighter Emily. x [Congrats on Kristofer's tv show!]
My good things:
My sister's guacomole quinoa salad!
Furry puppy hugs from my dog Mavis.
Cool sunny weather and bike rides.
The new room divider/mirror I found this week.
Making mixed cds.
Isa - Thank you honey!
Vanessa - How could we not, right? ;)
Helga - Riding a bike sound so wordeful. I really miss that during the winter... :(
Elise - SO jealous of puppy hugs!!!
All snö!!
Och att vi har fått världens roligaste uppgift i hemkunskapen. Men det är nog bara jag i hela min årskurs som tycker det ska bli kul att skriva ett arbete om miljöpåverkan. Jag ska skriva om kött och är löjligt glad, men det är ju intressant.
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