This is an idea that dates back to when I studied photography, but I never did anything with it. Lately that idea has come back to me, and today I found these red leaves that were the perfect drop shape. I'm not all that satisfied with the execution, but that's because I have to use myself as a model when I wanna "take notes" like these and thus I can't control the shot as much. Next time I'll use a model, and I'll get better angles, I think...
tack for en valdigt fin blogg. Jag undrar hur man far bilderna sa stora i blogspot???
Varje gång man ser dina vackra foton känner man sig lite rikare. Hurra för sånt!
Angelica - Tack! Jag använder en mall jag själv skrivit (htmlkod alltså) och kan på så sätt justera bildstorleken själv genom att skriva in pixelbredd och -längd själv.
Therese - Oj. Tack!!! Och hurra för att jag kan göra sånt för er!
beautiful photos- as always!
and i really need that dress, btw.
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