I usually go to a salon to dye my hair, but last time me and my hairdresser agreed that I should try to dye it myself inbetween appointments because red color washes out really quickly. So yesterday I bought some dye and tried doing it myself, for the first time in my life. It was very scary, and kinda hard, but at least it turned out even. Unfortunately it's way too dark red, and not as orange as I'm used to, but it's gonna look great when I've washed it a couple of times I think. Right now I'm torn between liking it and thinking it looks really bad. What do you guys think?
it's looking really good!
There is nothing you could do to look "really bad" !!!! It's dark and BEAUTIFUL! It looks good on you, although I do love the lighter look you usually have :)
hann inte ens läsa de du skrivit innan jag tänkte:
herre gud, hon passar tusan i allt, vackra kvinna!!
skitfint, nästan ännu finare än innan tycker jag (fast det är ju också fint förstås)
This is good also, I could not say which is better. Certainly different, but don´t you like somthing else, fro a change?! I do!
I think it looks really pretty! My hair is just dark brown. Have a good Sunday. Emma
It looks really good!
I think it makes you look more mysterious!
anja - thanks!
miss smog - there you are, i've missed you! and thanks sweetie!
fanny - hihi, du är snäll du hjärtat. du är fin du med i din lugg!
alina - oj, okej, det var ju bra!
vanda - but i just became a red head five months ago, i'm still adjusting to not being blonde! ;)
lolo - that's exactly what i thought! i feel like a french spy from a film noir. ;)
Jag tycker att det är hur fint som helst! Du passar i lite mörkare toner med :)
I think it looks great, suits your skin tone. :-)
i really like it!
I always dye my hair on my own (or rather, get my boyfriend to do it for me)
You're right, red dye doesnt last very long, and it is very hard to get it orange on your own, I always go more red
Malin - Jag blev förvånad faktiskt! Jag hade svart page när jag var yngre och popflicka, och det såg verkligen ut som en peruk, så jag har alltid hållit mig borta från mörka toner. :)
Bisquits - I feel very Irish Rose! ;)
Lavelle - Hahaa, just the thought of Kristofer trying to help me is hilarious! It's very nice of your boyfriend to help you though.
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