Finally! I just turned in my graduate paper! It's only for the first evaluation, it's far from done, but still. Oh, and yesterday I found a boater hat! My mom was here to visit me yesterday, so I took a quick break from writing to go have lunch with her and, lo and behold, H&M is suddenly selling boater hats! Granted it's not perfect, and the quality isn't that great, but it'll do until I can get my hands on a real one in NY. *insanely happy*
Now I'm on my way to a pocktail party Sylvia is hosting. A pocktail is a cross between a cocktail party and a book launch, pretty much. With a book buffé and everything! It will be lovely. What are you guys up to?
Jag vet inte om någon har sagt det, men jag gissar på att det sagts tusentals gånger: Du borde vara modell eller skådespelare.
Din skönhet är absolut tidlös.
Helt klart den vackraste kvinna jag sett i hela mitt liv...sådär, jag var tvungen och kommer aldrig upprepa det igen...
That hat is perfect! I'm looking for a similar one for the summer!The dress is beautiful on you as well <3
Cain - Du smickrar du! Jag är bara människa som alla andra, men tack!
Alison - Hihi, I'm sooo in love with my boater hat. I keep putting it on when walking around the apartment, just to walk by a mirror and go "Oh, what a pretty boater hat!" *vain* Thank you!
such a cute outfit emily!
Åh klänningen! Åh åh åh!
lavelle - thanks, i was very happy with this outfit. very anne of greengables i thought. ;)
alicia - min favvis!
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